Friday 30 August 2013

Discovering Dermedex- A wonderful experience

Introducing Dermedex, to those of you who are unfamiliar with the brand. I will like to tell you how it has changed my skin over the period of four days. 

I have never heard of Dermedex before hearing about it through WonderBox Malaysia, which is a beauty box subscription which I subscribe monthly to. So what did I get from Dermedex? I got the challenge pack that included 1 Bio'tox Cleanser (10g) and 1 Refining Cream 2 (5g). This challenge pack is supposed to last for three days but mine lasted 4 days. Let me take you through a day to day experience..

Firstly this is the challenge pack from Dermedex. I was definitely up for the challenge for clearer skin in just 3 days. 

So this was my skin condition before starting on the Dermedex challenge pack. The pimples on my skin was very red and had a lot of acne scars. Dull looking skin and sometimes very oily T-zone and dry and flaky cheeks.

After applying the Bio'tox cleanser for the first time, I was very pleased with its soothing effect it had on skin. It was so mild that it did not make my skin itch. It even reduced the over-oilyness of my skin and gave me a slight glow to my skin which I have not seen in a long time. I was falling in love with Dermedex almost immediately after applying on the Refining Cream 2. It has a plant-ish scent which reminded me of the calming forest and had a cool sensation afterwards which was great for a hot sunny day. The cream vanished into my skin after a few minutes leaving my skin light and not over-heavy with cream, great when your outdoors. 

The second day, I could see a little redness on some pimples but I am also seeing a glow on my skin which is slowly reappearing after many years. This made me even more excited to continue using Dermedex and I am now considering purchasing their full range. I was very happy to finally find a product that is already showing me remarkable results on my skin. My face also reduced in its oily-ness and the dry patches on my skin are less dry , its more smooth and less flaky. I'm starting to also consider going outdoors without wearing any makeup, which is very rare for me because I always use makeup to cover up the imperfections of my skin which always bothered me. 

The third day of the challenge, my skin is glowing, not oily and redness had significantly reduced. It is more vibrant and I am feeling very happy with my skin. I have still a bit leftover from the Bio'tox cleanser and Refining cream 2 from the challenge pack trial which I am going to continue using till it finishes. It's truly remarkable.

My Verdict: I give this challenge pack a 9/10, simply because it did work on my troubled skin in the three days. It was a pleasant experience using Dermedex and I wish to have more of it. I was always searching for beauty products that helped with my acne scars, dull-looking appearance, over secretion of oil and also reducing the dry patches on my skin. All my skin problems solved with the Dermedex Challenge pack. I also have lots of acne scars on my body and also acne on my back. I'm now considering applying the cleanser and refining cream 2 on my back as well, as I saw results almost immediately after the first day of applying the challenge pack on my back. This is definitely the cure and answer to me obtaining fabulous skin. Thank you Dermedex for being such a reliable product for us girls who have tried every other beauty product and nothing had worked till we discovered Dermedex ! 

I have now much more confidence on dates with my beloved boyfriend ! No make-up days are definitely not scary anymore as I am loving my improving skin. I love Dermedex ! 

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