Thursday 18 July 2013

Taming frizzy and damaged hair

Taming Frizzy and Damaged Hair

Taming Frizzy Hair
There are a million different ways we can damage our hair, whether its from a weekly swim or just being out in the sun unprotected. You love your wavy hair but not the frizzy hairs when you brush those curls.

Hair is complex and it is made up of three layers and thousands of cells. But the reason it gets frizzy is pretty simple. Your hair’s outer layer, the cuticle, looks kind of like a shingled roof. When hair is smooth, those shingles lie flat, but when you brush through dry, curly hair, those shingles lift. Frizzy hair is often drier and naturally tends to absorb moisture from humid air.
Get to know the Kinds of damage on your hair
1)      The damage: Over-processing
Over-processing is caused when bleaching and dyeing hair. This strips off natural pigments and creates tears that make hair weak. To cure: Once a week, use a deep-conditioning protein treatment to coat the cuticle and fill in those hollow areas. Apply it evenly all over freshly shampooed hair, then twist your hair into a bun and sleep with a towel on your pillow. Rinse your hair out in the morning.

2)      The damage: Hair Breakage
The friction of brush bristles rubbing against the cuticle (the overlapping cells along the outer layer of your hair) tears the surface. To cure: Keep the cuticles smooth and intact by coating damp or dry hair from the mid-shaft to the ends with a pea-size dab of serum that contains silicone.

3)      The damage: Split Ends
When the protective cuticle at the end of the hair shaft wears away, the tip frays; that crack then travels up the hair shaft. To cure: The only way to cure split ends is to trim hair every six to eight weeks. For temporary fix and to prevent further spilt ends, apply a hair serum just to the tips of the hair. Find one that has glycerine or hyaluronic acid and both bonds the ends together.


4)      The damage: Chemical chaos
Perming and straightening changes the structure of hair, making it weak, coarse and brittle. The parched strands soak up moisture from the air causing frizz. To cure: Look for styling products that contain sterol alcohol, a fatty alcohol that strengthens and softens hair.

Quick tips to keep hair Frizz-free
1)      Don’t Brush DRY hair
2)      Comb dry hair with wet fingers
3)      Tame with a touch of leave-on conditioner
4)      Look for protein when buying your conditioner
5)      Don’t over-process hair with relaxers and straighteners.
6)      Put moisture back into your hair
7)      Stop using high temperatures when blow-drying/straightening/curling hair
8)      Use a round brush to smooth your hair
9)      Dry only the roots of your hair
10)  Talk to your hairstylist for further advice.

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