Wednesday 5 June 2013

Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Capsules-Bag of Love

Hi beauty lovers,

This product which I am about to share with you is by Elizabeth Arden. It was featured in the May Edition of Bag of Love Malaysia. I was given a sample sized-7 ceramide capsules.

I used it over a period of 1 week and saw instant results at the end of one week.
I used to have very bad skin, even from schooling days. I used to have a lot of dark spots and acne scars. This miracle oil as I call it, works amazing on my skin. It reduced my dark spots, and also acne scars after one week of application. I wished i had more capsules to try but they cost really expensive and I can't afford full size. I hope my face doesn't have more acne popping as i would have to deal with the scars when its gone.

This is a picture of me before back in December when my face was still clear.

I had a clear face and had a glow. After this, when college resumed and my face got worse with stress and not a good skincare regime that I was neglecting.

This is what happened then, my face had lots of pimples, and when the pimples cleared, acne scars and dark spots appeared. This made my face bad and lose its clear appearance.

My Face also became very oily and itchy at most times. I avoided applying make up but still had dark spots. Then when I received my May Bag of Love, I discovered Elizabeth Arden's ceramide capsules that had a tag line saying " 100% of women showed a noticeable improvement in their skin", this made me try it and I fell in love with the product. This was a picture of me last week. You can see some difference with the product and I wished I had more to try out.

This is a current picture of me now. I look tired but my skin has improved, it is less oily, and the scars have reduced its appearance. It is lighter and feels smoother.

Apart from my sleepyness, my face feels better and healthier and i defenitely noticed a great improvement..

My Verdict:

I noticed a great improvement after trying out the seven capsules. I wished I had more to try out because it is simply magical. It works well on my troubled skin and I hope that I can someday afford the full sized capsules as it is very expensive for a student like me. If some of you, who are not using your ceramide capsules, you can always send them to me, I will be happy to accept it. I hope my face would get even more better and the marks reduced soon. A great big thank you to Bag of Love for introducing this magnificent product to me. It simply boosted my confidence back and I will be using less make up now, no need to hide that much imperfections. Subscribe to bag of love today:- 

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